Ask And You Shall Receive


AQCH Hypnotherapy Journal, Issue 14 – February 1992 / Updated 2006
© Helen Lesser 1992-2006


The following article was published in the Journal of the Association of Qualified Curative Hypnotherapists. Due to advancements made since it was initially published, it has now been updated by the author to bring it into line with the current understanding and application of LCH treatment.

Ever noticed how some people simply say what they want?

As LCH practitioners we have to be like that in treatment; we can’t be content to know what we want and then expect others to guess what that might be. Sometimes, however inadvertently or innocently, some therapists seem to act as though all their patients are telepathic, or that the subconscious is capable of deductive thinking. But for the vast majority of normal human beings that we all deal with, neither belief is correct.


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