Changing Reasons

© Helen Lesser, 2015

If, each session, the patient identifies a different purpose for the symptom, should this be a cause for concern? Not if the situation is handled effectively, no:  It is quite normal to get different information throughout the treatment process – in fact, it is what we aim for!  It is so very unlikely that we gain complete and accurate information during the first investigatory sessions which is why we spend time refining techniques with each patient; moving away from visualisation, focusing more on Conscious Distraction, utilising IMR and steadily gaining a shared understanding of the words.

So if the first information is not complete or not correct, we WANT contradictory information – we want the full and accurate facts.

However, if this continues after more sessions than you normally find and happens every single session or if your patient consistently agrees that yes, their symptom is required for some other reason even more so than those they have just agreed to, then my suggestion is to turn the question around.

For example, let us assume that a patient


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HelenLesser has written 303 articles