A discussion highlighting the importance of clear but relevant explanations and of keeping things simple and straightforward, and how over-complicating and confusing the patient prevents IMR from working, hinders distraction techniques and makes a successful conclusion to treatment unlikely.
Distraction Vs Explanation
Below is a question which was asked by one therapist and includes suggestions and guidance from four colleagues, along with a report back from the original therapist giving an update on the client and resolution achieved.
I need some help with a stubborn client, if anyone can assist I’d be most grateful:
His symptom is IBS, but the concern is relaxation and distraction.
His initial problem was that he could not understand how he could answer a question that he didn’t know the answer to. I had previously gone through it with him and seemed to go be going through it again and again. I think he now knows the theory behind it!
He now cannot disassociate himself from my voice, to the point where he is consciously NOT answering (IMR) for fear of giving an incorrect answer. This still boils down to the question that he’s not convinced he can answer subconsciously.
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