Full Of It
© Helen Lesser – First published in AQCH Hypnotherapy Journal (issue 21 / 1995)
There was a time, a few years back, when everywhere you went around the particular suburb of Birmingham in which I lived, there was one particular bit of graffiti. On every blank wall, across every signpost, on bridges and buses and billboards were sprawled the words ‘My hovercraft is full of eggs’.
To begin with it bewildered me. I wondered if it made sense to anyone, it certainly didn’t to me. But as time went by, the confusion changed to acceptance. It very shortly got to the stage where every time I saw it, it registered but I thought nothing more about it.
The phrase popped into my mind again during [a recent conference]. Listening to the general chatter, phrases such as ‘The why behind the why’, ‘self-hyp’, ‘find the cause’, ‘IMR’, ‘overlaying beliefs’, ‘specific questioning’ were banded about. We all learnt them, we all use them. But do you ever seriously consider your understanding of them or have they simply become accepted into your thoughts and language?
Usage of IMR, specifically for questioning the subconscious,
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