Healing Help


© Helen Lesser 2009

Question: I have a friend who has broken a limb, could I use hypnotherapy to speed the healing process and if so what techniques would you suggest and would a cd be helpful to reinforce any suggestions?

The first question has to be whether or not your friend has asked for help in speeding the healing of his injury.

If he has, then careful questioning would be required to ascertain whether he believes there is a reason why he requires help to heal. In other words, would LCH treatment actually be applicable?

If it is just a question of yours and you are wondering whether to offer this help, then there is unlikely to be any reason why you shouldn’t.

Generally, it should be assumed that the body will get on and do what is required in the best way possible, as quickly as possible; so there is rarely a need to attempt to speed up something which is already being done perfectly. In fact, to do so would likely be entirely unnecessary/ineffectual or could be unwise (trying to get the subconscious to act in a way that is ‘unnatural’).

As to techniques;


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