Incidents moved on from …

and why that might have been done.

Mary Ratcliffe, 2024

I’ve been looking at transcripts for guidance about which types of incidents merit a detailed investigation in the pursuit of the LBR/LBW, and which would be more usefully cut short in search of more profitable lines of inquiry.

This is where I’m up to so far in aiming to spot repeating patterns of incidents moved on from, noticing what they might have in common. I’m gaining more resources helping me to consider incidents I encounter to see if I can more quickly and accurately identify which ones wouldn’t be likely to lead to a therapeutic reinterpretation.

As we know with just about all that is related to LCH, the detail is everything, and spotting the nuances in the wording and any other aspect of the treatment is a process for me that never ends. There’s always more to it and so much benefit for me as a practitioner and for the people I treat and their symptoms from a continued study of the available transcripts.


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mratcliffe has written 48 articles