The following article was written before the SRBC formula had been expanded to include the ‘y’ – all those who were trained after this date and understand the usefulness of ‘SRyBC’ will immediately see how the example used could be streamlined considerably by its implementation.
© Helen Lesser 2003
It is always useful to hear different people explain the same thing in different ways. In some instances it helps provide that “lightbulb moment” – when something simply clicks into place and you realise you now understand something that you only knew previously. In some instances it simply confirms the understanding you already have – but just gives you a clearer way of seeing it.
As we all know, the subconscious builds its information – step by step – from scrap of seemingly innocuous information to creating a symptom. But it would appear that following the same logical, methodical and simplistic process is not always followed when therapists come to the Reinterpretation and Correction of information.
The entire SRBC process needs to be methodically worked through, step by small step, to ensure the symptom can be disposed of fully.
Enabling a patient to correct the information right at the very root of the problem and saying something along the lines of “Now that you know that her actions were not intended as a punishment, will you now dispose of your depression?” is unlikely to provide anything other than negative response; as you have jumped from C to S completely missing out the all-important B and R.
However, taking it step by step, you methodically correct all pertinent information in the order in which it was gained. This allows the subconscious to follow you each step of the way and ensures it corrects all of the misinformation and disposes of all of the ill-effects.
For example:
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