Knowledge Base – Basics

© Helen Lesser 2015
The Online LCH Knowledge Base is available to hypnotherapists and provides guidance and information on all topics related to providing LCH treatment and curative hypnotherapy and on various subjects related to running a successful practice.

Details of how to subscribe and the annual subscription fee is provided on the LCH Knowledge Base page of the website, however a 100% discount on this fee is available to practising therapists of Lesserian Curative Hypnotherapy – (i.e. cost – £0)

    • practising therapist is defined as either:
      1. A therapist who is licensed as an LCH therapist and therefore meets the minimum standards of practice set out in the Trademark Agreement document.
      2. A therapist who is actively involved in furthering their understanding, abilities and/or skills in LCH therapy.
    • A therapist is defined as being ‘actively involved’ in training if they have been actively involved in Formal Training within the previous four month period.
    • Formal Training is defined as that which has been specified by the College as fitting this category – such as 1) the Practical Course, 2) a module of the Diploma Course, 3) a workshop or training event which is specifically labelled as Formal Training, 4) Formal Supervision with a recognised LCH supervisor. (Conferences, meetings and similar group occasions are not included in this category.)

Why the 4 month period?  There has to be a cut-off point at some point in time, four months seemed to be more than fair based on the following points: – 1) From experience over the years it has been shown that those who intend to set up in practice following the Practical Course have usually begun the process within the first four months. 2) As regards the Diploma Course modules, the longer the gap between receiving feedback and sending the next submission, the less the student gains as their understanding of their own work is diminished and therefore the guidance provided on it is not maximised.

Anyone practising without sufficient guidance/CPD/supervision is deemed to be not in professional practice.

In order to provide the best quality of treatment to their patients, a therapist requires guidance, support, supervision, continued training, professional development. This is why every professional organisation requires that its members fulfil certain CPD requirements.

How much does it cost to access the Knowledge Base?    If the requirements set out above are met, then access to provided at no cost.

For those who do not fulfil the requirements, they may pay a yearly subscription.  Details at:-

Can I read just specific articles or have temporary access to help me on a particular point?   Temporary access is granted automatically to students while they are on the Practical Course. For access at any other point, please see above.

Automatic Notifications?  If you would like to receive an email when new articles are available, simply enter your details into the ‘Get Notifications’ box in the right-hand menu of any page.  There is currently no charge for this facility and, of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.

Questions and comments.  Your feedback, questions and comments are actively sought.  You may find some opinions offered in articles differ from your own, or you may have had experiences which would be a useful addition.  If you have found a piece of advice particularly useful or some piece of information which is actually wrong  – please make full use of the comment section and let us and/or your colleagues know.

Is there an App?  While this Knowledge Base has been designed to work on all devices (desktop, laptop, phone, tablet, etc) and across all operating systems (android, apple, windows), in addition there is an android app which you can download by clicking this link.

Still need help?  If you have searched the available articles but still have an unanswered question, click the ‘Support/Discussion Forum’ link for further help.

KB-Admin has written 85 articles

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