Recall of Specifics


© Helen Lesser 2003

 If you have worked your way through treatment and have reached what you believe to be The Cause, the next step is to help the patient to reinterpret their understanding and/or interpretation of that event.

This can be done solely with IMR but, certainly in the early days of your practice, you will probably need more of an understanding of the event.

If you used the TV Visualisation at the beginning of your treatment, both you and the patient himself knows that information can be provided this way – so this is usually the simplest, quickest and most effective option.

If, for some reason, you do not wish to use a visualisation technique to enable recall of the entire event, but simply want to know the precise words (for example) which created their reaction, the following provides an example of how this can be achieved.



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HelenLesser has written 303 articles