Suggested Suggestions


© Helen Lesser 2007

There are many different ways of giving suggestions, either to oneself or to another person. Obviously one needs to be careful of the use of suggestions in LCH treatment, but the following provides an explanation of nine types of suggestion which may be of use to you if you are creating CDs/audio recordings for your patients’ use or for ideas with self-hypnosis.

Every person is different and therefore each of us has a preference as to how we like to do things. None is more ‘right’ than another. You may have opinions on some of them, some you may like, some you may dislike. Some you may feel are not as valuable as others, some you may feel are counterproductive. It is important that you always work with what you believe to be the best tools. Just as you prefer some techniques to others in your treatment of patients, so you will have preferences in other areas too.

The following are some of the ideas I have come across or used,


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