© Helen Lesser 2009
Question: A potential patient has contacted me, saying that she has been suffering hay-fever symptoms for the last year or so and, as no allergy medications have helped and her GP cannot help her further, she wondered whether hypnotherapy might be an option.
As all medical possibilities have been ruled out, I see no reason why LCH cannot allow her to be free of these symptoms, but, if she does come for treatment, how do I tackle this? Do I just aim for the cause of the hay-fever?
The direction of your treatment can really only be decided at the Initial Consultation and it will depend entirely upon how the lady is suffering and how she describes her symptoms.
Unless this lady is somehow managing to spend her life – through all seasons – surrounded by grass pollen, you know that she is not suffering actual hay-fever. It could well be that some other allergen is creating the symptoms, but it is likely she
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