Session Progress When First Practicing
A summary of points raised during a therapists’ discussion of what to aim for and expect of treatment, when first beginning to provide therapy.
A summary of points raised during a therapists’ discussion of what to aim for and expect of treatment, when first beginning to provide therapy.
Summary of the discussions held which cover a range of topics relevant to the provision of hypnotherapy via video conferencing and the changes which should or might be useful to ensure techniques work as well online as in person.
Summary of the discussions held during online meeting, covering a range of topics relevant to the provision of hypnotherapy via video conferencing and some of the pitfalls and issues that therapists need to be aware of.
A therapist gains guidance from colleagues on LBR/LBW and how to effectively use the information gained from whether words/actions were accepted at the time or instead were reacted to as if true at some later point.
Is there a way of letting ‘lost’ patients know that they are welcome to return to complete their treatment? A template letter is provided, along with other suggestions for self-reflection useful to all therapists.
How much time should be spent establishing rapport, gauging susceptibility or gaining additional information before treatment proper can begin?
by David Lesser, First published (more…)
The Support Forum for LCH therapists is a vibrant and invaluable resource, providing the opportunity to seek help, guidance, reassurance, opinions and support from fellow practitioners. Details of joining this Facebook Group and how to receive posts and participate in discussions.
Another discussion from hypnotherapists on the merits or otherwise of using testimonials in publicity materials and whether they may be seen as useful or ethical.
A discussion on the standard anti-smoking treatment and one patient who could not benefit from it due to his addiction.
Some therapists’ thoughts about offering free initial consultations.
Is a daydream sufficient for Conscious Distraction or is a more detailed or progressive technique required? Several therapist give their thoughts along with a few additional ideas and experiences.
What happens when a patient ‘forgets’ how to respond to questions with IMR? How can this be? How should it be handled and how can it be prevented? Is this more likely with dyslexics? Are there additional benefits to standard reminders at particular points?
Discussion on whether using testimonials on therapy websites is essential, necessary, useful or unprofessional.
Therapists’ personal experiences and thoughts on providing credit or debit card payment facilities for patients.