IMR – Let The Patient Decide?
A Student on the Stage 1 course, asks practising therapists for their opinions & experiences of allowing a patient to decide how to provide answers via IMR – the full question and replies are reproduced here.
A Student on the Stage 1 course, asks practising therapists for their opinions & experiences of allowing a patient to decide how to provide answers via IMR – the full question and replies are reproduced here.
Transcript of treatment provided by therapist Emily Fennell showing the SRBC in practice to locate the Causative Incident and help the patient to reinterpret the event and correct its effects.
Where should treatment begin and what techniques are best when treating a colleague or someone currently training in LCH?
What is Limb Catalepsy? How, when and why might it be used in treatment?
Script template for using the ‘Balloon’ technique either for deepening or to enhance movement when using IMR in questioning.
What happens when a patient ‘forgets’ how to respond to questions with IMR? How can this be? How should it be handled and how can it be prevented? Is this more likely with dyslexics? Are there additional benefits to standard reminders at particular points?
A patient seems to be providing nonsensical and/or contradictory answers. Conscious Distraction is not working. The various possible reasons for this are explained and suggestions provided to resolve the situation.
A patient has the use of only one hand; how can IMR still be usefully employed to gain information from the subconscious?
How do you know when IMR is genuine or whether the finger movements are consciously driven? What should I look for to be certain?
If you have a concern that getting responses to your questions through IMR is not working, or that the patient is having difficulty understanding what is required of them, then this suggestion – using the Hand Levitation, during the session, while they are still relaxed – may resolve the situation. Full examples of the instructions to the patient and explanations/reasoning are included.
Is it a sensible precaution to keep reminding the patient of what responses I require when using IMR? Could doing so cause any unwanted effects?
Does IMR work differently if the patient is left or right handed? Could dyslexia or a general confusion about left/right create difficulties? Is it possible or likely that a patient will swap or change the responses I have requested?
One therapist discusses the various options available when it is not possible to use fingers from both hands in order to use IMR to gain subconscious information.
How one therapist completed treatment successfully despite being unable to gain any ideo motor responses from the patient. Another example of how vital Conscious Distraction is in LCH.
Example of how to induce hypnosis with IMR – (Hand Levitation).