Thoughts on Reinterpretation of Causal Incidents

It can seem more challenging or intriguing when a Causative Event involves a deliberate wrongdoing, with premeditation and full understanding. In this article suggestions are provided for a variety of such situations along with links to detailed Q&A examples, to aid therapists with reinterpretation.

Alopecia – Example Reinterpretation

(Part 1 of 2) Reinterpretation of Causative Event (transcript from recording). Using IMR and the TV Visualisation Technique this transcript works through the SRBC to identify the cause and then helps the patient to reinterpret the event and correct the effects.

Is This The Cause?

A therapist gains guidance from colleagues on LBR/LBW and how to effectively use the information gained from whether words/actions were accepted at the time or instead were reacted to as if true at some later point.

Volunteer Transcript – J / IBS / Session 5

Final treatment session of Volunteer Patient (J, 2014) showing how several different incidents were located and dismissed and questioning targeted through R and B to C. Reinterpretation of Causative Event included, along with correction of effects and disposal of symptom.

Volunteer Transcript – J / IBS / Session 3

Transcript of 6th session of volunteer patient ‘J’ (2014), detailing the SRBC and reinterpretation. This also provides phrasing and example of how the treatment was refocused towards more relevant events and the target of questioning re-directed to obtain the Causative Event.

A Little Bit Right, A Little Bit Wrong

What are the elements which make an incident The Cause? How can you tell the difference between a Cause and a Trigger or confirming incident? What do I reinterpret? What needs to be corrected?
This article provides the answers and, by using a case example, shows how to identify and work with these elements to effect a complete and permanent disposal of symptoms.

Full Case Study

A complete case history, showing all relevant incidents and how they created the Belief and Reason.
Example shows how the reinterpretation was carried out and how each step of the SRBC was corrected. Also included, full Checking Procedure of final treatment session.
This article shows how to ensure that you enable a full re-interpretation with your own patients, illustrates how to enable your patient to correct all effects and thus provide a full and complete disposal of all symptoms.

Checking Procedures

How do I know I’m at the final session? How do I ensure reinterpretation has been successful? How do I ensure that all the corrections necessary have been achieved? What are the Checking Procedures? What do I check and how do I do so? How do I complete treatment?