Transcript – Anxiety 2017 – (1 of 5)

© Helen Lesser, 2017

Transcript of one of the volunteer patients on the Spring 2017 Practical Course, who received treatment from Helen Lesser, in front of the students.

[session 1] [session 2]  [session 3]  [session 4]  [session 5]


The patient had experienced anxiety since her early teens and as a result was always very easily tearful and emotional.  Although the anxiety was constantly there in some degree, when it worsened it caused light-headedness, sweating palms, breathing difficulties and a tight pressure in her chest.

She explained how she was constantly tired due to overthinking everything and as a result her sleep, memory and concentration were very poor.  She felt constantly scared – particularly of new situations, with an expectation that she will do things wrong or will fail.

Treatment Summary:

Initial Consultation –

First Investigatory Session –

Second Treatment –

Third Treatment –

This session first introduces the patient to the concept of the ‘R’ and traits or characteristics behind it.

Full transcript of treatment follows:-



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