Volunteer Transcript – G / Anxiety / session 4


© Helen Lesser 2008

‘G’ originally attended for treatment for his anxiety. At the Initial Consultation it transpired that the anxiety was created by feelings of self-consciousness -both socially and at work. This uncertainty resulted in constant checking on tasks he had done and requiring frequent reassurance from others around him. He would deal with the anxiety by getting drunk but then found that he was aggresive and violent when he was drunk, creating yet more problems and difficulties for himself.

G’s Initial Consultation and subsequent 6 treatment sessions were provided by Helen Lesser on the Practical Course, in front of the students. With permission, the treatment was recorded and the fourth, fifth and final session have been typed up and are available on the Knowledge Base:

The fourth investigatory session was when we obtained the information relating to the Causative Event and shows how the TV Visualisation was used to gain full details of the relevant incident.

The fifth investigatory session shows the reinterpretation and correction of effects and beliefs.

The sixth session shows the Checking Procedures which were gone through to ensure G would permanently dispose of his symptoms.



Session 4


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