Check Up?

by David Lesser,

First published in the Hypnotherapy Journal
Issue 10,  February 1990

(The Newsletter of Association Qualified Curative Hypnotherapists –
a registered charity [No. 294512] which existed from 1985 to 2007)

Malcolm’s query as to whether we follow up our patients (as suggested in his article ‘Checkups’ in Journal no.9) is something which I would love to be able to do, but I don’t feel that it is feasible. I obviously know that my success rate is high because of the large percentage of people who come by recommendation of successfully treated patients. Considering that a lot of people will not talk about the fact that they have been for Hypnotherapy, because it smacks of psychiatry and thus that there is something ‘mental’ wrong with them – the number of recommendations I get continues to surprise me.

There are, in fact, many times when I would love to be able to say to someone before we finish treatment,


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David Lesser has written 20 articles